Harnessing Comfort and Efficiency: The Benefits of Using Natural Gas in Your Home 03/12/24 Natural Gas, True Natural Gas In the realm of household energy, natural gas stands out as a versatile and efficient option, offeri Continue Reading
What Affects Natural Gas Pricing? 07/14/23 Save on Natural Gas, True Natural Gas If you're like most people, natural gas is a vital component of your daily life. Continue Reading
Where Does Natural Gas Come From? 10/26/22 Natural Gas, True Natural Gas Most of the time, you turn on your stove or your lights without a second thought. However, have you ever stopped and wondered, "Where is my natural gas coming from?" Continue Reading
Customer Service Spotlight - Tracy Lyles 10/7/22 True Natural Gas At True Natural Gas, we focus on delivering the best customer service to the community we serve in Fayette. We take pride in our work, but we value our talented team of customer service professionals. Continue Reading
How to Find the Best Natural Gas Rates in Georgia 09/19/22 Save on Natural Gas, True Natural Gas When you're looking for the best price for natural gas, you have to do your homework to find a provider that fits your needs and provides affordable rates. Thankfully, there are some easy ways to find an affordable Continue Reading
Letter from the President 09/7/22 True Natural Gas A lot of customers have been asking me lately why natural gas prices are so high. Here are my thoughts on the current state of natural gas prices. Natural gas costs have increased more than 300% Continue Reading
What to Expect During Your Natural Gas Connection Appointment 08/9/22 True Natural Gas Your application for True Natural Gas has been approved. Now, you're waiting for your gas line to be connected. Should you be home when the technician comes? And what should you prepare? Here are some answers to some of your questions during this critical process. Continue Reading
How To Read Your Natural Gas Bill & Why Is CFEMC On It? 04/21/22 Natural Gas Billing, Save on Natural Gas, True Natural Gas So, you've made a great decision to switch your gas provider to True Natural Gas. Our bills are Continue Reading